Common questions

  • Where and when do I get the keys to my new apartment?

    When you move to Stubor, you pick up your keys to your new home on the first weekday of the month between 13-15 pm at Stubor’s office. If the first falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the keys can be picked up at the earliest next weekday. If you have any further questions contact


  • How do I pay the rent for my apartment?


    Rental invoices comes to your email every month and can also be found in "My pages"

  • I can't log in to "My Pages"

    Email and you will get help.

  • What do I need to know about home insurance?

    Home insurance is a good protection for those who live in rental housing. By doing so, you avoid financial losses in the event of a fire, burglary or water damage. If you have no home insurance, we recommend that you take out one. If you already have a valid home insurance policy, we recommend that you insure that the insurance amount is large enough.

  • Can I make holes in the walls for paintings or mirrors?

    In a newly painted apartment is allowed to drill 4 holes without paying. Then it costs SEK 200 per hole. Contact if you have more questions about what applies in your apartment.

  • What is meant by 10-month rent?

    This means that it is rent-free during the summer. Half a month's rent is paid for June and August. For July it is completely rent free. Emergency rooms have 12 months rent. in the refuse bin is considered as waste. It also does things that are left in stairwells, corridors, attics and outside areas. Do not throw charcoal or disposable grills in the refuse bin because of the fire risk. Leave them outside.

  • What about waste sorting?

    In Växjö we sort waste and food waste separately in different vessels. Residual waste is sorted in the green garbage container and the food waste in the gray container. Paper bags for food waste are available in the refuse bin. Rubbish garbage such as furniture, electronic equipment, fluorescent lamps, cardboard boxes and larger items are left at the municipal recycling centers. It is the tenant's responsibility to transport the items there. Remember that littering is a criminal offense under Swedish law. Leaving unsorted waste

  • Why can't I have a doormat in the corridor outside my door?

    Due to odor and fire risk, no objects may be placed in the corridor. This applies to all types of objects; doormats, shoes, garbage bags, bicycles etc. Our staff checks the corridors every morning.

  • My apartment is powerless. What should I do?

    It may happen that the power for lighting, refrigeration or freezing stops working. Then you can do the following;

    You who live in house 20-26; you will find your electrical cabinet in the stairwell opposite the elevator

    You who live in houses 30-32; you will find the electrical cabinet in the stairwell on your floor

    Open the electrical cabinet with your apartment key. Make sure you take the right fuses, see diagram on the inside of the door of the electrical cabinet. If they are directed downwards, push them up. Check the ground fault switch (jfb) for your apartment and those sitting on the first row, the main fuses. All should be facing upwards. You who live in house 28 have security lockers in the apartment.

  • I have problems with my Internet connection. What should I do?

    Contact our Internet provider NetAtOnce and they will help you.

  • My neighbors are disturbed by playing loud music, who can I contact?

    Disturbances can come up. Whether it's loud music, a party with too loud a sound or a barking dog, first try talking to your neighbor. Your neighbor may not be aware that he or she is bothering you and therefore probably appreciate your direct contact. Your contact can also prevent growing problems and irritation.

    If you do not want to contact your neighbor, please contact us during office hours at Stubor office at
    Then prepare to give us information about you, what type of disturbance it is, what building and apartment number the disturbance applies to, when and how often this has happened. If the disturbance occurs on weekdays after kl. 16:00 and weekends you call Stubor emergency service on
    076- 037 83 47 and give them information about the disturbance so they can visit the site and pay attention and inform the person who is disturbing.

    The disruptor will be invoiced for the emergency call cost of SEK 2,500 and a warning from Stubor.

  • Can I rent my apartment in second hand agreement?

    If you are going to study or work temporarily in another place, maybe trying to live together with someone else, you have the option of renting out your apartment for a limited time - but you must intend to return to the apartment. If you would like to apply for a second-hand rental, you must submit a second-hand contract and an admission note or proof of employment to our office well in advance of the start of the rental. Applications are processed subject to time. Remember that you as a tenant are responsible to us even when you rent out in the other. The application for secondhand is sent to

  • I want to cancel my apartment?

    Send your cancellation to You always have three calendar months as notice. For example, if you cancel your apartment in January, February, March and April will be your notice months. The next tenant receives a contract at the apartment from May 1.

  • What does the rental law mean?

    When you live in an apartment, the rental law applies. It says, among other things, that you as a tenant must pay attention to neighbors, for example by playing music at a reasonable volume and ensuring that other sound is kept at a low level. This applies every hour of the day and night. Complaints from your neighbors can lead to termination of the contract with us. If you find yourself disturbed by a neighbor, start by contacting the neighbor yourself - he or she may not be aware of the disturbance. If the problem persists, you can send an e-mail to where you write down what apartment it is and what days and times you experienced the disturbance. Then we inform the person that the neighbors are disturbed and that according to the Tenancy Law it is not allowed to disturb their neighbors.

  • What does the Personal Data Act mean?

    The Personal Data Act (PUL) deals with the processing of personal data. The personal information you provide to the landlord in connection with the signing of the lease will be processed to the extent necessary to fulfill the agreement. This may include rental notices, rental negotiations, information to tenants and other matters relating to ongoing administration. Personal information obtained during the rental relationship may also be processed, such as details of payment neglect and disruption of housing. Your information may also be disclosed to the organization or association in which the landlord is a member, as well as other companies and organizations that the landlord cooperates with in their property management, for example the organization of tenants. Information may be obtained from authorities and credit reporting agencies. The information will only be processed within the housing company. You have the right once a year to get free information about what personal data about you is processed and in what way. You can also request correction of the data being processed. The personal data will only be processed for the duration of your application. This means that all personal data will be deleted when you have announced that you no longer wish to remain as a housing applicant. This also applies if your application for housing is refused. However, if the reason for rejecting the application is that you could not be accepted for negligence in a former residence, however, the information is retained for three months after the rejection decision.


Slottsstaden 6

1 room & kitchen: 471
2 rooms & kitchen: 8

Slottsstaden 3

1 room & kitchen: 224
2 rooms & kitchen: 12

Center: 2 km



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