Vad ingår i min bostad

When you move into Stubor it is good to know what is included and not included in the apartment.

Height from floor to ceiling is 235 cm.

Window length x width: 60 x 119

Curtain bracket should be in the apartment, curtain rods buys tenant himself.
Fire alarms are installed by Stubor but battery replacement is done by the tenant himself.
Lamps / lights



Oven lamp, refrigerator lamp


Not included

Fan lamp, fluorescent lamps above sink, bathroom lamp, ceiling lamp (hall, kitchen bedroom and living room)

If you prefer help with changing lamps, you can make a fault report via "My pages" or send an email to If stubor change lamps it comes a cost.


Price for lamp replacement

Fluorescent lamps 200 SEK.

Fan lamp 100 SEK.

Ceiling lamp 100 SEK.

Pit holes in apartment door are not included.

Cost for installing pit holes are 600 SEK. Send an email to


Window blinds are not included.

Installation costs 500 SEK per window


In Stubor's apartments you can make a maximum of 4 holes, in addition to the above you are charged a cost of SEK 200 per hole. If you are unsure about what applies in your apartment, you can email


Changes in apartment

Stubor apartments are not adapted for the installation of appliances such as. dishwasher or washing machine. It is also not allowed to make holes in walls in the bathroom. Painting of walls or pipes is not allowed without contact with the landlord before. Any type of change in the apartment needs to go̊ through the landlord.

Common questions

  • Where and when do I get the keys to my new apartment?

    When you move to Stubor, you pick up your keys to your new home on the first weekday of the month between 13-15 pm at Stubor’s office. If the first falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the keys can be picked up at the earliest next weekday. If you have any further questions contact


  • How do I pay the rent for my apartment?


    Rental invoices comes to your email every month and can also be found in "My pages"

  • I can't log in to "My Pages"

    Email and you will get help.

  • What do I need to know about home insurance?

    Home insurance is a good protection for those who live in rental housing. By doing so, you avoid financial losses in the event of a fire, burglary or water damage. If you have no home insurance, we recommend that you take out one. If you already have a valid home insurance policy, we recommend that you insure that the insurance amount is large enough.


Slottsstaden 6

1 room & kitchen: 471
2 rooms & kitchen: 8

Slottsstaden 3

1 room & kitchen: 224
2 rooms & kitchen: 12

Center: 2 km



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